Universal White Time Healing
Universal White Time Healing
Relax Release Replenish
Gemstone Healing
Gemstone Healing

Crystals and Gemstones are very powerful healers and when worked within the White Time philosophy of healing, are also totally safe and a wonderful experience to enjoy. They can be worked with in conjunction with Universal White Time Healing for really powerful results or by themselves. There are many combinations of stones that we can work with for different kinds of problems, whether they are physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual as well as different ways stones can help us to open up and grow.
Contact Session
Please contact me by phone or email to book an appointment and together we will decide which layout you would like to experience at your healing session (see list of layouts on this section). If you need help with your selection, I am happy to advise. (see price list under services tab)
Distance Healing
Please select a healing session from the layouts listed in this section, provide a full name and date of birth for the person receiving the healing and I will contact you with a date when the healing will begin. All layouts are given for one week when done on distance. (see price list under services tab)
Because there are so many wonderful Gemstone layouts to choose from, I am now offering two packages that will save you money when you want to experience more than one.
Package 1
Distance Healing 5 Layouts of your Choice for: £60
Please select five layouts of your choice from the layouts listed, provide me with a full name, date of birth and the area of residence for the person receiving the healing and I will contact you with a date when the healing will begin. All layouts are given for one week.
Package 2
Distance Healing 10 Layouts of your Choice for: £100
Please select ten layouts of your choice from the layouts listed in this section, provide a full name, date of birth and area of residence for the person receiving the healing and I will contact you with a date when the healing will begin. All layouts are given for one week for ten weeks in total. The layouts do not need to all be for the same person, you may want to purchase the offer and divide them as gifts for family and friends. If these sessions are all for different people then they can all be done in the same week. If all session are for one person, it will take 10 weeks to have them all.
These layouts are created by the Higher Beings of Light and Love to benefit your life in many different ways. All the layouts are totally balanced to make sure they are not too strong or too weak for the person receiving them.
List of Gemstone Layouts
List of Gemstone Layouts
General Balancing Crystal Layout:
This session is truly a beautiful experience and is deeply relaxing. It is a general balancing and clearing layout that will benefit your whole self.
New General Balancing Crystal Layout
This layout is new and is balancing the body in a different way to the above layout, as it takes into account all of the changes that have happened inside of us in the last few years (to both our bodies and our energy systems).
Advanced Balancing Crystal Layout:
This session is more powerful than the first session above and will work even deeper on your whole being. It will also work in the aura to help restore it and heal damage. This is a very powerful and beautiful session to receive.
Stressed or Burnt-out Layout:
This session is designed especially for those suffering with stress. It will relax you and help to cleanse and recharge your batteries. A truly powerful layout!
Deep Relax: Bone meltingly relaxing:
This is a truly powerful session.
Blood Cleansing Layout:
(parts 1 and/ or 2 available) A deep session that will cleanse and detoxify your blood from all pollutants and negativity, even removing products that build up on the skin from constant use. Raises the frequency of the blood. Good for blood disorders and cleaning out disease and medication from the blood stream.
Blood Cleansing Layout Part 1 -
Will clear toxins, negativity, pollutants etc from the blood and body as well as raising the bloods frequency.
Blood Cleansing Layout Part 2 -
Will clear build up on the skin from products etc that we use each day. Also raises the bloods frequency.
Stomach Special:
This layout is designed for anyone suffering with stomach problems of any kind. It will work powerfully on your energy, even if you don't know what the problem is. However, for stomach cancer, please let us know, as there are other crystals that we use to treat this also.
Kidneys Layout:
Deeply cleanses the energy of the kidneys with this powerful spread. This is also a good area to clean energetically, as it can store a lot of negativity.
Back and Spine Layout:
For anyone suffering with back and spine trouble.
Healing Depression Layout:
This layout is especially for people suffering with this debilitating problem. It will support and help a person move through depression. We also give added healing and guidance with this session.
Healing Addictions Layout:
This layout is designed to help those with addictions to substances such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sugar etc. Again, we give extra healing help and support with this layout.
Balancing the Bodies Flows:
This layout helps us to balance the different flows in the body (the electrical systems, the hormonal flows, the brain, the lymph, the blood etc). This layout will also help anyone suffering from seizures, blood clots or paralysis. This layout will also help to protect against pre-cancer. It will also raise the energy of anyone who has not keep up with the rising frequency of Earth.
Clear The Aura To Zero:
This layout is for anyone who has had strong interference in the aura from things like electrical energy or many crystals. It helps to restore the aura and balance it.
Cellular Balance:
This layout will work to balance all the meridians, accupoints, the magnetic field in the body (both - and +) and also all the organs. It is very powerful
Body's Layout Part 1:
This layout is designed to help our bodies now. With all the changes that are taking place in us, sometimes our bodies suffer a little because of it. Many of the changes are impacting us on a physical level. We need a way to balance and harmonize ourselves as these changes take place. This layout will do just that, as well as giving us profound healing and will also open up knowledge inside of us too.
Body's Layout Part 2:
This layout takes care of our basic needs before we step up in our spiritual evolution. It can also be done for animals, so pets can receive this session, as they too, need help in these changing times.
Layouts For Connection with Mother Earth New Earth
These layouts are for connection with either Mother Earth or the New Earth in some way. Some layouts are for connecting with nature or the nature beings. All of them are very beautiful to experience.
Natures Energy:
Connects you to nature, the elements, animals and plants. A peaceful and beautiful experience.
Elements of Life Layout:
This layout will connect you to the changes in the nature elements around us, so that your energy frequency is connected to the new vibrations of the New Earth, where there will be more elements than we currently have here.
Connecting With Nature Layout:
This layout contains the beauty of nature. It connects us at a much deeper level to help a person experience Nature's wonders. It is perfect for those who need to connect with nature, but don't live close enough to actaully walk in nature or for "shut ins", who have difficulty getting out at all. This layout will benefit anyone who needs to take in the healing power of our natural world
Connecting With Nature Beings:
This layout helps us to connect with Nature Beings (Devas, Fairies etc on the Earth), to help them to express to us what they want and need. If you are planning something to do with nature (like in your garden) this helps to you work with them to see if what you plan is in harmony or if something else would be better for them. You can really create a good relationship with these amazing beings and have them become more a part of your life.
Connecting with Animals:
This layout will help you to connect with animals, wild or domestic and also your animal guides. It can also be used to benefit your animals themselves. This layout will help you to communicate with and understand your animals (what they need or want etc), as well as experiencing all the love they have for you.
Connecting With Earth:
This layout helps us to connect and harmonize with Earth on a very deep level. For many weeks after receiving this layout, you can meditate and ask the Earth what she needs and wants and can work deeply to send her healing. It allows us to connect with the very fabric of the planet for a total communication. This is so powerful and will even help us to connect with the elements of Earth to get healing right into the atomic level of our planet!
Layout of Mother Earth:
This layout is about feeling and connecting with Mother Earth's soul and spirit in a different way to the one above. This layout helps us to feel her as a being, going through her evolutionary experience. It helps us to understand where she is in her development now.
Layout of the New Earth:
Connects us to the New Earth and how it feels before we arrive to begin our lives there. This layout opens up the feeling of how New Earth looks and what is waiting for us.
Layout for Merging with the New Earth:
This layout helps our hearts connect and understand the transformation of the Earth, so we can participate in it. This layout helps us join the rising energy of our Earth. It is deeply relaxing and you will enjoy feeling the merging with the evolution and the New Earth!